About US

The programme is aimed at exposing the students to sound knowledge of the theory and practice of Medical Laboratory sciences at the Technician cadre.
The courses offered are designed to expose the student to core areas like Clinical Chemistry, Haematology& Blood transfusion science, Histopathology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology, cytogenetics, Basic Laboratory Techniques and an introduction to Pharmacology.
Students are required to broaden their knowledge in their core areas by taking ancillary courses in Chemistry, Mathematics, French, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology and Biology. They are also expected to be able to modify existing techniques; understand the working of laboratory instruments, modify them or fabricate new ones.
The practical aspect of the diploma programme prepares the students to fit into any diagnostic laboratory in hospitals, research Institutes, Food Laboratories and other allied fields; e.g. Pharmaceutical Industries, Breweries etc., or equipment fabrication industries, or be self-employed.
On the successful completion of the three (3) year diploma programme, students obtain an automatic registration with the Medical Laboratory science Council of Nigeria. This registration enables them take up careers in Medical Laboratory science as Medical Laboratory Technicians, in Teaching and Specialist Hospitals, Government Hospitals, Primary Health Care Centres, Research Centres, Private Health Centres and Private Establishments. They could equally seek for and gain admission to pursue a degree career in Medical Laboratory Science.

Our Facalties

School of medical Laboratory Technicians. Immaculate Heart Hospital Nkpor is geared towards building the nation through balanced and sound education by promotion the full developments of the spirit as well as the mind through provision of accelerated high standards of instruction and education leadership, and a conducive leering environment that lays the groundwork for initial employment and future education advancement in the field of medical Laboratory Science

Why Choose Our Institution?

If you're looking for a vibrant, technology-driven and multicultural Science Laboratory Institution, School of medical Laboratory Technicians. Immaculate Heart Hospital Nkpor is definitely the place for you. What's more, you'll find that our fantastic range of undergraduate courses have been designed with your career aspirations in mind. The Institution has an enviable reputation for providing quality, student-focused education in the warm and friendly environment that makes us so special. Our mission is to be a powerful force for learning, creativity and enterprise, promoting economic, social and cultural well being. Excellence Our excellence of teaching, particularly in the areas of creative and professional practice, and our track record of being a leading practitioner of business and industry collaboration are widely recognised. Opportunity Job opportunities on graduation from RSUST are excellent. We're proud of our strong partnerships with industry and the professions, as they ensure that every aspect of our courses is designed to equip you with the skills and qualifications you need in today's job market. In fact, many of our courses involve work placements, making our graduates highly employable..

School of Medical Laboratory Science Nkpor, Anambra State.
Telephone:(080) + 123 456 78910
Email: info@somlan.com

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